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NannyBabysitter.co.uk understands how vital it is to find the right housekeeper for your household. The right housekeeper must be experienced, have the necessary credentials and is someone you must trust to take care of your household
We have carefully laid out a step by step process that we recommend you follow in order to alleviate any problems and difficulties you may potentially experience in the hiring of a housekeeper or cleaner
Finding and hiring the right candidate will free up your time and energy so you can be pursue a career or spend more time with your loved ones, so please read these steps carefully.

What housekeeping tasks do I need done?

The first step we suggest you undertake when hiring a housekeeper is to think about the job you want your housekeeper to perform along with the traits you want your housekeeper possess. We cannot stress enough how important it is to clarify your needs and prioritize them whether you are looking for a housekeeper, a cleaner or household manager. In this way, you will be a better judge of who will be the right candidate to employ in your home.

Will your housekeeper’s role be solely as cleaner, will she be required to cook meals, do laundry, or manage the household finances?
Drawing up a list of traits you want your housekeeper to have will help you create a picture of the sort of person you would entrust with the care of your home. You can include descriptive words like, trustworthy, reliable, focused, and experienced, or efficient. 

You will certainly see the benefits of carrying out this exercise later down the line as searching for the ideal housekeeper can be somewhat overwhelming and it is easy to forget what you were originally looking for.